Artist Statement—
Traversing the city through digital photographs, I accumulate images of spaces caught at a moment of transition - in between something that was and something that is to come. I then render these fleeting moments through the slow practice of handweaving and printmaking. Through repetition, I attempt to materialize what often feels out of reach: the last seconds of the sun setting against the factory wall, summer lingering in the scent of fall rain, and the tension between an open storefront and a shuttered one.
Things are always moving simultaneously. We are always in the slippery wake of a world disappearing and blooming all around us.
At the loom, I hold on. At the press, I linger. Through the camera lens, I look again.
This act of remembering a physical place that may no longer exist as it was, represents some of my feelings about life—and public space as its most volatile theater—being the convergence of many stories overlapping at once. For me, all art consists of many gestures coalescing into meaning that we all make for ourselves. It becomes a document of people living vibrant lives on top of each other, and what we’re only ever seeing is just a snapshot moment of them in constant transformation.